God has given each us of unique gifts, talents, and abilities to use for the Kingdom of God. Here at Glad Tidings Church, there are numerous serving opportunities that fit your skills and schedule!
Let us help you find the right fit
Welcome Team
Create a welcoming environment as you greet people online or in person to help everyone feel comfortable during weekly services.
GladTC Kids
Partner with parents to lead kids to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Help kids birth-6th grade learn about who God is and who they are through age-specific lessons, small groups, and tons of fun.
GTC Worship & Production
Be a worshipper who builds worshippers. Serve on stage and behind the scenes to help people connect with God through weekly worship services, social media, and photography.
H2O Student Ministries
Be part of leading the next generation. Switch, our student ministry, addresses issues teens face through conversation, friendship, worship, and teaching in-person and online.
Helping Hands Ministry
It is the mission of Helping Hands to provide compassionate hands-on support to grieving family members who have recently lost a loved one.
Operation Christmas Child
Since 1993, more than 200 million boys and girls in over 160 countries have experienced God’s love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan’s Purse works with local churches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts and share the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ.